Schedule a FREE 30-minute Leadership Strategy Session with Jamee Tenzer, MCC, BCC


Jamee Tenzer Executive CoachI’m looking forward to working with you!

You are here, exploring your options and looking for ways to move forward as a leader, manager, communicator or all of the above.  Taking action is powerful and will lead you to exactly where you want to go.

So let’s get started…

You’re interested in learning more about scheduling a strategy session—please let me know the following information that will enable us to have a powerful conversation:

  1. Anything you would like to share about your current situation/challenges.
  2. What you might like to get from engaging in coaching.
  3. The best days and times to schedule a 30-minute Zoom session.
  4. Send this info to me at [email protected] with Strategy Session as the subject line.

I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

All my best,

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