I think I am as happy about summer, as my children.
I feel a huge relief as we give the last teacher’s gift, the last teary hug and the final adios to early mornings, busy afternoons and tight schedules. As I trudge out of the school yard, carrying two large paper bags with my child’s artwork popping out of it, I think of how long 10 weeks (what’s the deal – it used to be 12!) can be and how luxurious it feels.
This summer I didn’t make very many plans for the kids.
This is something I learned after many summers with the children going to three different camps and three different locations. Similar to the kind of strategic planning I assume goes on at the Pentagon, my husband and I would deftly navigate the mornings, routes and camp start-times – each taking a separate route based on how early we needed to get to our first appointments of the day.
I noticed that summer was not really a break – I was still making lunches and getting the kids up in the morning, just to rush them off to their summer “fun!”
This summer, I have played it by ear… arranging play dates here and there – but also, persuading my children to find something to do that does not involve watching a screen. They argue vehemently that there is no such activity, and yet, by now – they have come up with many ways to do just that.
Now I work at home and believe me, I know how very lucky I am to be able to do this. Not a moment goes by that I don’t appreciate my blessings.
But, I have to admit, I am finding it difficult to get much done with my daughter’s deliriously chatty and loud telephone conversations coming through my office wall, my son’s pounding bass coming through my office ceiling and my smaller daughter’s endless desire to let me know she is bored and hungry and of course, bored.
I am now thinking that a bit of outside activity might not be a bad idea?
Could I get more done if they were out of the house for part of the day? You bet.
Could I spend more time with them, if I got more done while they were out of the house? Oh, yes!
So it’s off to some day camp .. at least a couple of days per week. But I’m not going overboard. I still want my lazy mornings, my lack of lunches and pajamas ’til noon.. at least until September.