Being a Fifties momHere we are.  We are 50.

And we find ourselves perfectly positioned to reinvent what it means to be a “Fifties Mom.”

We are pretty unusual, after all.

Many of us still have children in elementary school.  Some of us, have children under 5!   We car-pool, bake sale, travel for business, send our kids to college and care for aging parents.

We’ve done a lot of living already and we are not stopping now. 

Oh sure, as we approached 50, we took every stop that we could, along Highway 49.  We managed to stop for gas, donuts and every scenic view.  Let’s face it, we were stalling – unsure of what we would find at exit 50.

And frankly, we may have been noticing a few changes that are a little unsettling.  I don’t want to say Peri-Menopause moved in and made itself at home, but — what was I saying?  I forgot.

In any case, exit 50 came up whether we embraced it or not.  And it turns out, it’s a brand new road!  Just been built – no traffic – and it is up to us to create the scenery.  Are you ready for a challenge?  Let’s make 50 what we want it to be!

Let’s start with a challenge.  How do you want to challenge yourself right now?

Coach Me Quick Tips for Challenging You at 50:

1.  50 pushups, Sit-ups or Pull-ups per day.  A friend of mine challenged me to 50 pushups and I’m doing it.  So far, I’m at 10 sets of 5 and on my knees  – but it’s a start.  What is your challenge?

2.  Travel to a destination you have ALWAYS wanted to go.  Too expensive, too hard to figure out?  Sounds like a challenge.

3.  Commit to 30 Days of Yoga, meditation and/or exercise.  What might change if you were to take on this challenge?

4.  Learn something.  Go back to school.  Commit to learn a language.  Create a group of like-minded moms and share information.  Where would you be in 1 year if you learned something new?

5.  Give up sugar, start making green smoothies or buy a juicer.  How can you challenge yourself to better health?

The 50’s are great and so are you! 

Up to the challenge in L.A.,


Photo credit: clotho98 via Compfight

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