Make Sure Thanksgiving Doesn't turn out to Be a Turkey!

There are times when Thanksgiving is simply the beginning of the blur we call “The Holidays.”

We want to slow down and enjoy the season and yet, the season brings too much to do.  How can we rush around, stay up late, squeeze in just one more errand and enjoy it all at the same time?

Is there a secret to slowing down our experience, without slowing down?

Can we shop for potatoes, chop onions, make our daughter’s favorite pie and still have time to stop and smell the stuffing along the way?

What we are talking about  is not a new conundrum, of course.  We have all been known to hum the holiday classic “’’Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la… when – do – I – naaaaaap?”

But what if we could do it all and truly experience the holidays in a more relaxed way?

It’s definitely what we want to do.  We want to not only experience, but enjoy the holidays.  We don’t want to miss the time with our family and friends because we are too caught up in our to-do list.

And we are smart enough to know that the answer will not be found in doing more or doing less.  The answer will be found in shifting something within ourselves.

But what is the shift?  And if we can figure out what the shift is, how do we make it happen?

Maybe it’s best to start with a question?

Imagine that it is now January 2nd and you are being asked “How were your holidays?”  What is the answer you want to give?

(Take the first answer that pops into your head and jot it down before it gets lost between “where did I store the new tree stand?” and “What should I get for my assistant this year?”)

Your answer to that question is the experience you want to be having and you can make it happen.

Coach Me Quick tips for Shifting your Experience of the Holidays:

1.  Write down your answer to the question (identified above) in your phone, on your computer or on a small piece of paper.  Put it someplace that you will automatically see it.  You might have it as a daily reminder in your calendar or stick a post it in your wallet.  There is a lot of power in being regularly reminded of the experience you want to be having.

2.  When you see the reminders, take a moment to notice what you can shift in that moment to be more in line with your goal.  For example, if the experience you want to have is that you are relaxed for the holidays and you notice that your shoulders are touching your earlobes, let those shoulders drop and take a deep breath.  Simple stuff – but it works!

3.  Notice 100 breaths per day.  You can do this all in one sitting (Under 5 minutes) or you can do it throughout the day.  Maybe you close your eyes and take note of 10 each hour or a 1/3 at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  As long as you are able to notice 100 breaths, you will receive some of the amazing benefits of mindfulness.  Just 5 minutes per day.  C’mon people, you are worth it!

4.  Get your friends and family on board!  Share your intention to shift your experience this year.  Get support.  Ask them to remind you if they notice you are getting too tightly wrapped in holiday paper!

5.  Reach out each day to one person who will benefit from contact with you.  Whether it is an email, postcard, phone call, text or hug.  Let one person know you are thinking of them.  Share you.

Fa la la la la la taking – my – naaaaaaap (in L.A.)


Photo credit: James Vaughan via Compfight