My List Is Bigger Than Your List!

And I’ll prove it! At this time of year, the “too busy” conversation that we know and love gets as loud as Rudolph’s hooves landing on a tin roof – and just as unnerving. Those of us who are usually just a tad stressed out, manage to temporarily teeter on the edge...

I Haven’t Got A Clue..

I admit it.  The more I learn, the more I realize two things:  1.  I haven’t got a clue. 2.  Not having a clue is much less stressful than having the answers. When I was a young executive in the entertainment industry, I pretended I knew a lot.  I “acted as if”...

Yikes! Not Another Hand Turkey!

(heavy sigh of appreciation) Ok, I guess I can accommodate just one more.  In fact, in this season of Thanksgiving, maybe I can even be thankful? You know what a hand turkey is right? Most children at some point in their lives will put their pudgy little hands on a...