Downtime (You don’t have to spend all of it with your children.)
You can still be a good mommy and not spend every free moment with your children. You know that voice in your head (it’s talking to you right now) that tells you to sit on the floor and play with your children, when you really want to put your feet up and play a few...
Need Some Time Alone (but feel a little guilty about it?)
It’s great to be home with your children, but is it relaxing? Taking a family vacation might be fun, but does it restore your energy? Chatting with your best friend may keep you laughing, but does it refresh you? Remember that Dan Hicks song: “How Can I Miss You, When...
Who Are You Again? No Need to Lose Yourself Just Because You Are a Mom!
After a few years of child rearing slumber it is easy to wake up, sleepily look around and wonder “What the %!@ happened to me? I think I had some talent right? I could dance. Wait, no. I could sing. How come I can’t remember one song besides The Wheels on the...
What Are You Supposed To Do?
Has asking that question ever amounted to anything worthwhile, life-changing or awe-inspiring? Just thinking about it makes me want to climb back into bed with a piping-hot deep-dish crumble-topped homemade apple pie a la mode and binge watch Mad Men or House of...
Breadwinner Moms are Change Experts (Lets Apply that Expertise to the Rest of Life!)
You are going back to work after maternity leave or moving to a new city. Your spouse just started a new job or you recently experienced a death in the family. It’s all a change – we may frame it as good (new baby) or bad (missed out on that promotion) but at its...
How to Choose, When Your Choices Look Like “Have-To’s.”
There are some days that seem to start with a list of "have to's," so overwhelming, it seems to mock you with it's length and tediousness. Like a group of "mean girls" on the first day of middle school, this gaggle of "have-to's" talks behind your back and gossips...
How to Stay Focused on Your Daily Goals
Today's the day you finish that email and make that difficult call, right? And no matter what happens, you are getting to the gym - that is a must! It's been a month since you worked out. But before that, don't forget to make the orthodontist appointment and to...
Whatever it is… Today is the Day You Shake It Off!
'Tis the season of graduation. Caps fly in the air and tassels swing wildly as young adults leave the past behind and focus on the future with hope and trepidation. (But mostly, hope.) Preschoolers march around in a circle proclaiming that they have “graduated” to...
Where is Giving it Your All, Getting You? Maybe it’s Time to Shoot for a Solid 80%?!
I know you. You're the woman who is "giving 110%" and not settling for "good enough." Some may call you an "A type" personality. Others may call you a perfectionist. Whatever they call you - they are definitely calling you when it is time to get something done...
Turning 50? It’s Magic Time!
There is something magical about moving into your 50’s. Many things are changing and most (if not all) of the changes, are for the better. Oh sure, there are some cosmetic issues – wrinkly necks (why do our necks look 95 when we just turned 52?) skin tags (as...
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