An Embarrassment Of Riches

I admit it, I cry easily and it embarrasses my children.  We took our family to see Mr. Popper’s Penguins the other day and I got teary during the “sad” moments.  If you ask my children, they will tell you that there were no “sad” moments in that movie.  But me, I’m...

Sick of it!

What to do when a real mother doesn’t feel good?  I woke up today kind of queasy, with a headache that felt like Gene Krupa was performing a drum solo behind my left eyebrow .   I thought for a moment – if I didn’t have 3 kids, a house to run and a job to do, would I...

Too much fun?

Have you ever had one of those weekends where you were just having too much fun? 3 birthday parties, dinner with friends, a Dodger game on Sunday and brunch with the extended family. Sometimes we group our “fun activities” in such a way that we are having...