If you are reading this, you’re already a good manager – maybe you’re a great manager! In fact, your direct reports might even love you – and what’s not to like about being loved?
You already know that the more your team feels supported by you, the more productive, engaged and efficient they are at work. And that affects employee retention and the financial bottom line.
So focusing on being a great or a loved manager is not a waste of time. In fact, it is a responsibility of leadership for those who are interested in excellence (and I know that’s you). But in every journey – even the journey to mastering your management style, you will find a few stumbling blocks.
Complaints manager clients have about their direct reports:
- They won’t try to get along! Some are unwilling or unable to work with others because of personality conflicts.
- They just don’t get it! They don’t “understand” what they are supposed to do no matter how many times it is explained.
- They don’t respect me! There is little respect for authority and seniority.
- They won’t take the lead! They won’t take any initiative.
- There’s no pride in their work! They lack a work ethic.
Complaints employee clients have with their managers:
- She keeps moving the goal! There is a lack of clear communication about expectations.
- He gives all the best projects to a handful of employees. He plays favorites.
- I’m expected to produce results with no power! Employees are given responsibility with no latitude to make decisions.
- She doesn’t trust me. She micromanages.
- He won’t listen to me. There is no option to discuss new ideas.
Stumbling blocks are bound to show up on the road to mastery.
In fact, each one is a sign that you are committed to mastering your own management style. So let’s follow the signs:
What is one complaint you have about a direct report?
Would you be willing to have a conversation with that direct report if you received a bit of help preparing?
If so, I have an offer for you. Take advantage of a limited time e-coaching opportunity that is featured in the top of the sidebar to the right.
Simply click the link under E-Coaching with Jamee – I can help you prep for a challenging conversation.
Helping you master your management style is my passion. I can’t wait to hear from you!
E-coaching in L.A.
Photo by 089photoshootings