Turning 50? It’s Magic Time!There is something magical about moving into your 50’s.  Many things are changing and most (if not all) of the changes, are for the better.

Oh sure, there are some cosmetic issues – wrinkly necks (why do our necks look 95 when we just turned 52?) skin tags (as disgusting as they sound,) little black chin hairs (the Wicked Witch of the West has NOTHING on us,) accidental peeing on occasion (yup, I said it!) and reading glasses.  In addition, we now have to figure out what to do with the errant grey hairs sprouting in our eyebrows (trim, don’t pluck.)

We still need beauty sleep, but we can no longer pop out of bed after a nap looking refreshed.  Suddenly our post-nap face looks as if we’ve been sleeping on a topographical map instead of a nice soft pillow.  And all the while we are juggling hot flashes, night sweats and the estrogen patch.

But here’s the good news – lots of what we used to care about, seems less important in our fifties.

For example, we used to care a lot more about what people thought of us as a woman, wife, employee, employer and mother.  Now – not so much.  We still care about people – but have let go of putting their opinions ahead of our own.

We begin to trust ourselves more.  We know what we like and don’t like and we are able to express it.  We stop spending time with people who suck the energy out of us, and begin focusing on the relationships that are mutually nurturing.

We have tried to pull this off before – in our 30’s and 40’s.  We’ve known for a long time that realistically other people are spending a lot more time thinking about themselves than they are about us – and yet, it has been hard to let go of caring what they think.

But now – half way through our lives – we get it and embrace it.  And with that new freedom, we can create magic.  Time to pull out the magic wand!

Coach Me Quick Spells for Creating Magic in Your 50’s:

  1. BIPPITY: Take a risk.  You know your bucket list?  It’s time.  Choose something, and do it!
  2. BOPPITY: What is important in your life?  Your children, spouse, work, community?  Recommit to that aspect of your life.  How can you create an even deeper connection?
  3. BOO: Time to add in even MORE self-care.  Hopefully, you are already taking care of yourself.  But where can you do more?  Would you like to spend more time reading?  Could you take another yoga class?  Is it time to get away with your spouse?  Make it happen.

I can’t wait to see what you conjure up!

Inventing potions in L.A.,


Photo credit: Dimitra Tzanos via Compfight