How’s this for a Resolution? Give Yourself a Big Fat Break!
You may be feeling a little challenged at this time of year – and not necessarily because of the shopping lists, holiday parties and requisite financial and gastronomic indulgences. You may be feeling challenged by the fact that it is the end of another year. And...
A Compromising Position (Whether at work or at home, we feel we are compromising something.)
All this talk about “doing it all” and finding “work life balance” is enough to make a grown woman cry or at the very least, reach for a nice dry martini. Are we afraid we are missing something or that someone is missing us? Are we concerned that we won’t be present...
Make Sure Thanksgiving Doesn’t turn out to Be a Turkey!
There are times when Thanksgiving is simply the beginning of the blur we call “The Holidays.” We want to slow down and enjoy the season and yet, the season brings too much to do. How can we rush around, stay up late, squeeze in just one more errand and enjoy it all...
When Dad Picks-up the Slack (and we feel a little guilty about it.)
Why do women sometimes feel guilty if their partner steps in to take over certain responsibilities? After all, we really want them to take over sometimes, don’t we? And yet, when we come home late and the kids are already bathed and put to bed, we may experience a...
Start Running Yourself Like A Business (Be strategic about getting the help you need)
You are a lot like a business. You have goals, responsibilities and a vision for the future. What you don't have, is help. You are running this thing all on your own. And, you are doing a great job by the way. But imagine where the business of YOU, could go with...
Your Child is Applying to College. Time to Put on Your Running Shoes!
You and your child are running a marathon of sorts. A college marathon - one filled with sprints, long uphill climbs, exhilaration and exhaustion. And the two of you are slogging through quite a few phases along the way: Phase One: I'm More Excited Than My Child:...
Who’s Business Is It Anyway?
What other people think of me is none of my business. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt, Diplomat, First Lady “She was looking at me strangely – what was that about?” “He must think I’m an idiot for making that choice.” “I hope I don’t lose her friendship over what I said.” “Maybe...
Newsflash! Summer Not Ending Until You Say So!
It happens every year. Summer ends too soon. One day we are helping our children give gifts to their teachers and the next we are thinking about back-to-school shopping. Wasn't it yesterday that our children tearfully waved goodbye to their friends – soon to be...
3 Things Your Kids Need To Know ABout Back To School Success (Download Free Tool Below!)
In My quest to help women have less overwhelm and more success in the workplace and at home, I am always looking for tangible resources that I can share with my clients, readers and friends. With that in mind, I am delighted to feature this terrific article by my...
Happy Mother’s YEAR! Time To Get Our Game On, Ladies!
Now that we are in our 40’s and 50's, we’re not fooling around anymore. Why stop at one day when we could celebrate for the entire year? It’s time to consider Mother’s Day the annual kick-off event to 365 days of one of the most exciting sport there is – motherhood....
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