How To Turn Your Kitchen Table Start Up Into a Thriving Business – Part Two
Do you have 10 minutes to make something great happen? I know, neither do I. But here’s the thing – if just for a moment, we entertain the answer “yes,” then we can start making progress towards a great idea. Feel like you can’t squeeze in one more item on the to-do...
Extra! Extra! Mom Has Great Idea and Makes It Happen! (How To Turn Your Kitchen Table Start Up Into a Thriving Business) – 3-Part Mini-Course
Part One: What's The Idea? How great would that be? What if you could take the idea you have tucked away in the back of your head and turn it into a small business? What if you could make that come true, even though you have no time, don’t get enough sleep, are...
Time To Return The Mother-Of-The-Year Award
And the “Mother-Of-The-Year” Award goes to…. …someone else please! Qualifying for the coveted “Mother-Of-The-Year” (MOTY) Award seems to be getting harder and harder. Back in the “day,” if you kept your children fed and clothed you were a shoe-in. If you sent your...
When it comes to sending a kid to college: Be A Slacker!
I know, I know. How can you be a slacker? Aren’t you the mom who got her child to annual check-ups every year (that one year that you forgot does not count) and helped her with her homework (except math after 4th grade), celebrated with her when she made the tennis...
Do you YOLO?
As a mom of 2 teens and 1 soon-to-be teen, I happily snap up any opportunity to learn new Teenirisms, Teenguage and Teenology. So when I read this great article by Maria Cowell about "YOLO," I invited her to be a contributer to Coach Me Quick! Maria Cowell has been...
Let Go of Mom Guilt AND Mom Judgment at the Same Time
Recently there has been a lot of hubbub about working vs. non-working moms. Already my mind is short circuiting. I don’t know any moms who don’t work. I don’t care if they have their own business, work a full time job outside the home, stay at home with children or...
Let Go of Stress, By Letting Go of being the Expert
Little Miss Know It All? Give Her a Break! Every once in a while I notice that my children have fallen into the trap of thinking that I am the family expert. I have to admit, it’s kind of nice for awhile. No one questions me. I do things the way I want to do them...
Work – Family Balance in just 5 short weeks!
Part 5: Share Your Success! GOOD FOR YOU! You created Work – Family Balance in just 5 short weeks! Actually, you created many moments of balance possibly surrounded by a few moments of: • Overwhelm • Frustration • Exhaustion Am I right? But, if you had even one...
The Best Recipe For Work – Family Balance
Part 4: Stirring It Up and Making It Happen! Last week YOU identified the value of Work – Family Balance for YOU! Figuring out why it might work for the mom sitting next to you at the PTA meeting or the mom sitting in the office next door, might be interesting, but...
What’s the Value of Work-Family Balance?
Part 3: What is Work – Family Balance Worth to You? Last week we started to uncover your incredible secrets for creating Work – Family Balance by: 1. Identifying some of the times in which you notice more work – family balance in life. 2. Strengthening the muscles...
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