Discover Your Work-Family Balance Secrets TODAY!
Part 2 - What are YOUR Work-Family Balance Secrets? I can hear you now. “I don’t have any secrets, that’s why I am reading this article!” But here’s the truth: You actually have every answer you need to create Work–Family Balance in your life. How do I know this? ...
5 Essential Tools Make Work Family Balance Easy: A 5 Part Series
Part 1: What on EARTH is Work – Family Balance? Work – Family Balance. The words stare back at me from my computer. This is part of my work. When I am not coaching, I am writing, or training coaches. And as I write, I am in my home office, surrounded by work AND...
It’s all about me…and YOU! (finally)
Here it is, a number of weeks into summer vacation and things are moving along quite nicely, if I do say so myself. The level of scheduling that is involved in a typical summer, makes any parent who has this responsibility, a natural candidate for working at NASA on...
Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way
There are items on our “to-do” list each day that get crossed off as easily as they are added. These items don’t really want to be on our to-do lists – they are like children home from college; happy to see us and spend some time, but after a hug, visit and a meal,...
Kids Can’t Always Get What They Want (but if we try, they get what they need)
As a mother of three children that span a decade in terms of age (6, 10 and 16,) I am constantly reminded that children each have their own needs, that must be met in their own ways. While one needs her “space,” another needs snuggle time. Two of them might require...
When In Doubt, Moms Figure It Out
As a mom I find that I am often providing services for which I have no training at all. For example; I have no business helping anyone with 9th grade math. In fact, I am finding that I am only slightly qualified to help with 4th grade math. And yet, on a regular...
Letting Go of the Stress: OM… OM… OMG!
Today I started a 21 Day meditation challenge for the 12th time. Not sure if the meditation is the challenge, or if the real challenge is me and my total inability to be still and think of nothing, for 20 minutes. The first day I attempted meditation, I fell asleep. ...
A Great Gift for Working Moms
And.. it’s just in time for Mother’s Day! Some of you may know that I have been working on a book for over a year now. "Balance Your Work and Family Life with Less Stress and More Fun!" is a compilation of my articles on many subjects from Overwhelm and Letting Go of...
Teenagers Are Terrific
When I was in my early twenties, one of my role models of motherhood, was my "second mother" (I don't like the term "step mother." It's so controversial and I can't think of it without thinking WICKED - but that is another article). In any case, at the time, her...
Scheduling for the Real Mother
Have you ever had one of those weekends where you were just having too much fun? You attended three 8-year-old birthday parties, went to dinner with friends, cheered the Dodgers at a game and hosted a brunch with the extended family – only to wake up Monday morning...
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