business photoAre You Having Fun Yet and Do You Have Enough Snacks?

Let’s start with Fun. 

Because if you are not having fun as you begin to make your vision of a small business, a reality – then it may be time to go back to the drawing board.

Do you need to have fun every minute of every day? Absolutely not.

But there needs to be enough inspiration, lightness and satisfaction in what you are doing to make it worth slogging through the tough points.

When you wake up each morning, you want to be looking forward to creating your business.

Can you think of a time that you were excited about a project?  What was it about that project that made you want to persevere?

Take the time to think about the answers here and write them down, because within these answers are the clues to your success.

Now take a moment and close your eyes.  When you think about your idea and the process ahead, how do you feel?

*  What inspires you?

*  What are you excited about?

*  Maybe you enjoy marketing and social media.

*  Maybe you are excited about getting this business off the ground and serving people.

When you have a strong picture in your mind, go ahead and open your eyes and write a list of three aspects of this project that are fun or inspiring.

If you are unable to complete this list, go back to your idea and see if there is something about it that you can tweak.

Maybe there is a step of the process that is so daunting, you find it impossible to get excited about it.  How can you get help with that one step or modify your overall plan?

I invite you to go back to this list periodically.  Check in.

Are you still inspired?  Why or why not?

What needs to change for you to be inspired and excited by what you are up to?

Your idea is going to excite others – but not unless it excites you.

And then there are the Snacks.

If you are going to make it all the way to the top of the mountain, you want to be sure you have plenty of trail mix.

The snacks are what you give yourself along the way to make the journey easier. 

My snacks come in the form of naps, pedicures, 10 minute neck massages (most salons offer this and it is well worth the $10!) and sharing a coffee or glass of wine with a friend.

I take advantage of a snack anytime I reach a mini-milestone, am running out of steam, or feel overwhelmed.

What are your favorite Snacks and how can you make sure you have them on hand when you need them?

Make sure you indulge in your snacks frequently – the more snacks, the faster you run up that hill!

In this three-part series we have covered some key steps to help you turn your business idea into a reality.

In part one we covered:

  1. Clarifying your idea.
  2. Finding the inspiration that will really get you fired up.
  3. Addressing potential fears and obstacles.

In part two we covered:

  1. Breaking down the steps
  2. Creating bite-sized 10-minute pieces.

Remember, by the time you get it down to 10 minutes, there is NOTHING you cannot achieve!

Today we talked about making sure:

  1. Fun is integrated into your day.
  2. You have plenty of yummy Snacks.

I work with women like you every day.  Women who have lots of responsibilities and talent.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but there is always a way to move forward.

I know you can do it and I would love to hear from you about what you are up to.

Enjoy the climb, have plenty of fun and be sure to stop for snacks.

Jamee Tenzer, PCC

P.S. I would love to help you as you make your dream a reality.  Just email me at to set up your free phone consultation.

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