keep calm photoKeep calm and carry on (and also carry some chocolate in case you get hungry).

Here’s where we left off at the end of “Getting Off The Back Burners – Overhauling Overwhelm” Part Two:

You not only got off the back burner, you turned UP the heat on a big old pot of self care!

    *  What are the self care items that you have included in your calendar?

    *  What is one more item that you can add right now?

When you begin to feel overwhelmed, instead of cutting out actions that are important to YOU,  your first plan of action is delegation.

    *  Who can you delegate to?

    *  Did you delegate anything in the last week?  Remember, people want to help you.  Be specific about what you need.

When you have exhausted delegation, your second plan of action is to find something that can be delayed (and it’s not your Zumba class 🙂 and put it in your schedule or calendar for a later date.

Here’s YOUR BIG Secret to Success:

Are you ready?  Drum Roll Please…

Stay committed to this process EVEN if it doesn’t seem to be working.

What do I mean by this?

Let’s say you plan to go to the gym three times in a week.  You diligently write it in your calendar – leaving plenty of time.  You also plan for contingencies.

And then, your child has a meltdown when you are dropping her off at pre-school and you choose to stay and comfort her – there goes the workout.

Or, your boss gives you a time-sensitive project to do with an imminent deadline.  Goodbye to your Combat Workout Class at 7pm.

So instead of going to the gym twice, as planned, you only got there once all week.

Here are your choices:

 1.  Tell yourself that you will never be able to follow through.  Be hopeless and give up.

This is best accomplished if you are able to combine your hopelessness with a quart of toffee swirl ice cream or large pile of French fries.  If at the same time, you can smack yourself with your sweat band or gym socks, all the better.

2.  Begrudgingly RE-commit to your gym schedule for the next week, knowing it will never work.

Be sure to come up with lots of reasons why working out regularly is not a good idea.  This will assure success.

3.  Focus on the one day that you did go to the gym.

Acknowledge yourself for having been flexible when it was called for – ok, we are getting somewhere, now.

4.  Celebrate progress!

Last week you went to the gym zero times.  How many?  ZERO!  This week you went once.  That is 100% better!  You deserve a pat on the back – not a gym sock to the head!

Look at this as a game. 

So you planned on 3 and got 1.  What did you learn?  What are the strategies you can put into place to keep moving forward?

Maybe you should plan on 5 gym visits next week, in order to assure getting there 3 times?

Perhaps you can have a “back up” plan so that if you miss your class on Monday, you can make it happen Tuesday?

When my clients make commitments that don’t happen as they planned, they are surprised to hear my response:  “That’s great!  Now we can learn something about what might be getting in the way and what works for you.  All great info for creating strategies for your success going forward!”

Coach Me Quick Tips for Reaping the Benefits:

1.  Give yourself time to adapt to a new commitment.

Your head wants it NOW, but every other part of you may have to get used to this new idea.  Give yourself time and celebrate progress.

2.  Recover quickly. 

When you do not keep your commitment to yourself, acknowledge it and let it go.  Focus on what is next.

3.  Listen to the way you talk to yourself. 

If you are being unkind, intervene in those thoughts.  There is a difference between assessing an issue to identify strategies and beating yourself up over perceived failure.

4.  Acknowledge even the tiniest success.

Re-committing (again!) in L.A.,


It’s Time for You to Get Off the Back Burners Mamas! Part 1 (A Self-Care Series)


Photo by brianfuller6385