Guilt! (Good God Y’all) What Is It Good For?

Guilt! (Good God Y’all) What Is It Good For?

“Mom-guilt” is the phrase of the day. Moms seem to be slinking through life with more guilt than the guy who thought “New Coke” was a good idea. C’mon ladies, did you cause the collapse of Enron or dabble in Water Boarding as a child?  If not, I’d say it’s time to...
Fix Your Child, In 5 Easy Steps!

Fix Your Child, In 5 Easy Steps!

Why do we try to fix our children or fix things for our children? When my son was teased by snot-nosed Billy in 1st grade I wanted to march over to Billy’s house and give him a piece of my mind.  I was a jumble of emotions – like a trash can that someone should have...