Want to be a great communicator?  Stop talking.

Want to be a great communicator? Stop talking.

Really stop talking?  That’s a little strange coming from a coach who specializes in communication.  After all, my work is focused on helping clients design and participate in conversations to create clarity and understanding.  That requires a fair bit of talking....
When you’re stuck… and I mean REALLY stuck….

When you’re stuck… and I mean REALLY stuck….

It’s natural to get stuck at times. It happens at home when tax day looms and we just can’t get ourselves to open up that file of receipts. It happens in relationships when we know we should say how we feel, but we just can’t seem to get that conversation started. It...
Help! My employee Doesn’t Get It!

Help! My employee Doesn’t Get It!

Do you find yourself in circular conversations with your employees?  And no matter how you try to clarify your communication, you keep finding yourself back in the circle? It usually starts with a simple request.  You have an employee who is smart and capable.  You...