When you are faced with toleration or confrontation, why not try collaboration?
What are you tolerating in your work place? It could be that someone on your team doesn’t listen and delivers sloppy work. Maybe it’s a colleague who resists change even if it is a change for the “better.” Or, that the entire company culture accepts a sub-par...

Congratulations on your Emmy Nomination. (Now it’s time to re-negotiate your contract!)
Have you heard? The Emmy nominations are in. And your well-known and lauded quadrillion-part series entitled “Too much to do” has been nominated and so has its star – YOU. You’re a veteran by now, of course – the Meryl Streep of your much-loved...

When Your Mojo is No Mo’
Waking up to the sense that this is just another day – nothing to look forward to except a long list of to-dos? Getting to work early and leaving late just to barely scratch the surface of what is expected of you? Feeling like no matter how much you...

Confrontation to Collaboration (optimizing communication with your direct reports)
What you enjoy about managing your team is that they are wonderful, creative, interesting and talented. The challenge can be, that they are human… and so are you. So how can you make some changes in your communication style to get more of what you...

Looking for better communication at work? Strengthen your relationships.
Your direct reports don’t understand what you want? Your boss doesn’t know your professional goals? Your assistant is still confused about the most “obvious” tasks? Yes, communication can help, but if there isn’t a relationship in place, your communication is like...

Negativity at the office – how to avoid it and create your own narrative.
You’re minding your own business, pouring another cup of Joe before heading back to your desk and here comes Sally. Sally wants to complain. First, she wants to talk about her workload, but then she wants to get you involved – and broadens the...

It doesn’t have to be perfect, but does it have to be like this?
We’ve all been in work environments that are a mess. Whether it’s a bad boss, outdated systems or a lackluster company culture, a mess is a mess is a mess. And you try to fix it. You talk to people. You come up with solutions and share...

Ready to get Inspired at Work? Learn something New.
You’re an expert in your field. You’re the “go-to” person for your colleagues. You’re so good at what you do, it’s second nature. Congratulations! What’s next? Take a Chance and Learn Something New It can feel great to be an...

Ready to Speak Truth to Power?
The CEO is a tyrant. The Boss has the management skills of an axe murderer. The Board of Directors is as effective as a bowl of roasted cashews. Might be time to speak truth to power? And if you’re thinking the same thing, you may be the one that has to do it. And you...

When in doubt, give up.
The idea of giving up has been given a bad rap. If we give up, we are quitters. We might even be losers. We’re told that the only people who fail, are the ones who give up before they succeed. But what if when faced with absolute...
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