7 Keys to Kickstart Your Job Search – And Have the Road Rise Up to Meet You
I recently had the opportunity to collaborate on this blog post with career coach, Janet Andrews, M.A. Our aim is to give you a step by step guide to prepping for your job search - so let's get rolling! Starting a job search is a bit like embarking on a road trip. ...
5 Red Carpet Secrets That Will Help You Change Your Attitude Toward Millennials
You can’t open your laptop these days without learning something new about millennials. If we are to believe what we read about this generational tsunami, they are either lazy misfits or misunderstood geniuses. The truth is probably somewhere in between and may be...
Hate to Go to the Office because You Don’t Like Your Boss? 3 Tips to Change the Way You Feel at Work
Let me guess; that snooze button is getting quite a workout these days. And with each tap, you are given a few moments to delay the inevitable; the journey to work with a knot in your stomach, dread in your heart and escape on your mind. As you walk the long plank (I...
Do You Like Being a Manager, Except for the “Managing?” These 4 Steps will Get You Moving in the Right Direction
Whether you are working alongside your direct reports or viewing them through a window from your corner office, managing people can be challenging. After all, people are messy. They don’t come in neat little packages tied up with pretty ribbons. They come with...
Are Millennials the Crazy Ones?
Boy there’s a lot of conversation out there in the Google-sphere about Millennials in the Workplace! You can barely send a Snap or post to Instagram while enjoying your morning cup of artisanal coffee without reading about the Millennials and how they are changing the...
5 Steps to Gearing Up for a Tough Conversation
You wake up at 3am with night sweats, your skin crawls when you think about going in to the office on Monday, and you’ve had a lump the size of a grapefruit in your stomach all weekend long. Could it be allergies? Menopause? Something you ate? Or could it be you’re...
May the Millennial Force be with You (in 5 EASY steps)
You’ve heard the news, right? The millennials have arrived in our companies, board rooms and on our management teams. Soon there will be more millennials than there are Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers combined. And as with all change, these arrivals have been met with...
The Guy I Work With Is A Jerk!
Whether you are an Executive or a Manager, you will at some point in your career utter these 8 little words; “The guy (or gal) I work with is a jerk.” And because you are smart and have your wits about you, you have figured out there is no changing the jerk. That guy...
Office Drama (How to stay on the sidelines without losing the game)
A colleague slips into your office like Maxwell Smart. He looks around, shuts the door behind him and begins to complain about the new boss. Your stomach drops as he tells you that she has “done it again!” After all, you know where this conversation is going – you’ve...
Do You Really Need To Be Liked in the Board Room?
Do you? Some of the tougher ladies among us might say, “no.” But you know what? Most of us do want to be liked. So do men as a matter of fact. And yet, it seems that even after acquiring Scholarships, MBA’s, PhD’s and promotions, we still feel like a vulnerable 5th...
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