Ready to Change things Up a Bit? How About Re-Defining Your Personal Brand?
Maybe you yearn to be a bit more Nike and a bit less Keds? Or perhaps there is a Danskin Leotard whispering in your ear in hopes of prying you out of your Lululemons? When is the last time you took stock of your brand at the office and at home and changed things up a...
Challenges at Work? It’s Time to Summon Your Inner 5-Year Old.
Do you ever feel like you know too much to solve your own problems? Sometimes it can seem as though all our big brains can do is circle a challenge over and over again. It’s like we are circling around the block passing up lots of empty spaces in hopes of finding that...
Pssst! The Cat’s Out of the Bag. The Boss Knows You Have Children…
And it’s probably AOK. But even if it is not “ok” with the boss or your colleagues, what is the cost of bending yourself into a pretzel to hide the fact that you’ve got kids, a spouse and a life outside the office? Clearly, they know you have a family. There’s that...
Breadwinner Moms: Be a Leader that People Want to Follow
Do you fantasize about a life in which your colleagues are willing to take your lead? Do you long for the day that your associates will agree to collaborate with you on a shared vision? Can you imagine a world in which you feel like you're moving with your team at...
Getting Back to Work When the Kids Get Back to School (make it seamless)
The children are back in school and thanks to you – it was a seamless process. You handled back to school shopping for your 10 year old who grew three sizes over the summer. You helped your 13 year old navigate the first few days of middle school drama – without any...
Have You Heard the Way You Talk to You? (Don’t You Deserve a Break?)
Do you hear her? It’s your friend “Self-talk”, chattering away for anyone who will willingly listen. In fact, she’s not talking to just “anyone.” She is just talking to wonderful you. She’s talking about how you look today: “Why did you choose that dress? Not sure...
5 Steps to Staying Connected to Friends
You’ve got friends, right? Of course you do – they pop up on Facebook or Instagram. They just got married, broke up or re-ignited an old flame. They share their political quotes and take pictures of every amazing and colorful meal they eat. You know their children...
If Mom Guilt Didn’t Exist (Opportunity For A 5 Day Guilt Break Inside!)
Imagine this; you wake up one day to the sweet voices of your children. They are chirping at you like little birds, asking you to make chocolate chip pancakes for them while they lounge on the couch and watch you adoringly. You kiss them on the top of their heads...
5 Steps to Making Sure Your Children Get What They Need from You
When you close the door behind you to head off to work each morning, you may wonder if your children are getting what they need. Do they cry themselves to sleep when you go on a business trip? Are you missing important conversations after school? Will your children...
Shhh… Your Child is Asleep (Perfect Time to Stay Awake)
There is nothing quite as sweet as your sleeping child. Even the big ones with long hairy legs hanging over the end of the bed, Dorito crumbs sitting ever so lightly on the lip, I-Phone snuggled close enough to make a mother worry about radio waves. There is...
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