Get Happy

Just like Judy Garland in the film “Summer Stock”… “You’re Gonna Chase All Your Cares Away!”

Wouldn’t that be great?

What if you could just “get happy”  with a snap of the finger or by flipping the little switch to the right of your belly button?

No switch there? Hmmm..

You don’t have to be a film buff or Garland fan to see it would be wonderful to have more ability to harness the power of happiness in your life.

Instead of being hassled and anxious, you’d be skipping down the grocery aisle, high-fiving your boss and approaching life and work through the lens of what is working for you.

So how do you, Get Happy?

As you have no doubt figured out,  I have been considering this topic at length recently.  And since I’ve been in the mood for a little happy talk, it seems like EVERYONE is talking about getting happy!

Over the past month or so, I’ve had the good fortune to learn and put into practice, a few tips about creating happiness.

Shout Halleluja!  The tips are easy!

And, I’m going to share them with you.

But first, I want to share a happiness story

I walked into a colleague’s office about a month ago and she was smiling.  She was happily sitting at her desk, doing some work.  And, she was smiling.

Happy people are always suspicious, so I commented; “You look so happy.  What’s going on?”  No one is getting away with unexplained happiness on my watch!

She looked up with that smile on her face and said “Oh, I’m just always happy.  Happiness runs in my family.  I think its genetic.”

I felt like I had been hit with a happy thunderbolt.  Her comment was delivered with no hint of sarcasm.  She was as matter-of-fact as Walter Cronkite delivering the news.

I looked at her for a moment and realized that she was serious.  Seriously happy.

No sooner had I skipped happily out of her office, that I received a link to a TED Talk delivered by Shawn Achor.

And you guessed it – it’s about happiness.  Not only that, but just WATCHING it, made me happy.

At the end of the talk, Shawn Achor, outlined 5 tangible actions that we can take to create more happiness and he suggested  a 21-Day commitment to really see a change.

Shout Hallelujah!  I did it and it works.

Below is the link to his talk.   I am deliriously HAPPY to pass it on and it is worth the 12 minutes!

Coach Me Quick HAPPILY recommends Shawn Achor’s Tips for the 21 Day Happiness Challenge:

1.  Write down 3 things you are grateful for, each day.

2.  Journal each day for 2 minutes about something that has happened in the past 24 hours that made you happy.

3.  Exercise for 15 minutes, each day.

4.  Be in silent meditation for 2 minutes each day.

5.  Practice 1 random act of kindness each day.  This could be an email to someone in your social network just sharing your appreciation of what they contribute to your life.

Journaling, meditating, practicing kindness and gratitude and exercising in L.A.,


 Photo credit: Dimitris Papazimouris via Compfight