Dust off your Super Hero(ine) Equipment and Save the Day!
Your office has been slowly taken over by the Joker, Lex luther and Cat Woman. Together they’re hatching plots, setting traps and threatening to tie up, poison and throw you and your colleagues off the side of the nearest building. The work environment that...

Stop Managing, Start Coaching
You’ve been managing for quite some time now and you’re good at it. You think ahead. You have difficult conversations. You champion your direct reports. You meet your goals and deadlines and your direct reports respect you....

Getting out of “Fix-It” Mode to Find a Solution.
When challenges come down the line, you respond. You’re intelligent, thoughtful and balanced. This is your outside persona at its best – the persona that’s supported your success. You’re trusted with responsibility, the company’s bottom line...

Executive Presence! What is it and how do you get it ASAP?
We’ve all been told how important it is to have executive presence. And we may have an inkling of what that really means – something about charisma, maybe? Or being the strong silent type? Maybe it’s about commanding the room or being the kind of person who is so...

When your colleagues can’t seem to do anything without your help… stop helping.
Your co-worker makes a beeline to you with problems that she should be able to handle on her own. Your assistant runs breathlessly to your office when he meets the slightest hurdle. Your boss relies on you for minutia that’s not included in your job description....

This is Your Fairytale and Your Wish is Your Command
Welcome to your new year – full of promise and opportunity just like a fairytale, with you as its protagonist. And you get to write it – add in adventure and some extra twists and turns. How will you keep us guessing? Is it a...

It’s almost 2019. And the Winner is… (YOU)
I’m guessing you’re focused on the end of 2018? You may be busy planning some well- deserved time off or dashing to the finish of a series of work projects. Not to mention the volunteering, shopping, planning, wrapping and more. But as you dash, work...

Letting go of decision making may be the best management decision of your life
We all make decisions constantly; what to have for dinner, the best route to work, when to schedule a doctor’s appointment and the smartest way to ask for a raise. If we take care of children, we’re making their decisions too. Breakfast, clothing, scheduling and...

Less Drama = More Productivity (And happiness too)
You may feel you work in a place rife with drama. Each day you’re faced with clandestine meetings behind closed doors, rampant complaints about bosses, co-workers quietly crying in the bathroom and colleagues that have raised back-biting and undermining to a...

When the most talented person on your team is a bit of a DIVA
You have a team of collaborators who are great at what they do… … but one of them can sometimes be a “Diva.” They work together to find solutions, share resources and combine forces toward a common goal. They support each other and make sure that everyone is allowed...
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