Why me? When leadership means dealing with flare ups, frustrations and firings…
Most leaders get where they are because they are either great at what they do, have a clear vision of the future, strive to be at the top through sheer ambition or a combination of all three. Most leaders do not get into leadership positions because they love to deal...
Close Your Communication Loops (and stop running around in circles)
Let’s say you’re the CEO of an agency and you happen to meet one of your junior agents in the elevator. You take that opportunity to tell her about a change you want to make to a pitch the company is making to an important client. Since she’s the person drafting the...
Master Your Management Style
If you are reading this, you’re already a good manager – maybe you’re a great manager! In fact, your direct reports might even love you – and what’s not to like about being loved? You already know that the more your team feels supported by you, the more productive,...
You have a secret communication strength and you can hone it without saying a thing…just like magic!
Think of a time that you were in the “zone.” Maybe it was when you were giving a presentation and you were so prepared, you seamlessly clicked through the Powerpoint, answering every question with ease. You inspired people. Or it might have been when your child had...
I Can’t Work with Him (and other career stoppers)
While it may seem easier to avoid certain people in the workplace, you may be limiting yourself when you limit your interactions with a colleague. When we get stopped in the face of working with people we don’t like or understand, we close ourselves off to...
What if you could find more of what you want in the workplace by simply looking for it?
Imagine walking into your office each day expecting your boss to be understanding and appreciative, your colleagues to be friendly and collaborative and your direct reports to be respectful and hard-working. Now imagine that just by imagining this, you would see more...
Want to be a great communicator? Stop talking.
Really stop talking? That’s a little strange coming from a coach who specializes in communication. After all, my work is focused on helping clients design and participate in conversations to create clarity and understanding. That requires a fair bit of talking....
Create space in your Brain, 1 Conversation at a Time
Do you ever find yourself walking around with conversation bubbles in your head? Conversation bubbles are fragments of conversations you are thinking of having in the future and they may be complex like; “It’s time to talk to my boss about restructuring the department...
When you’re stuck… and I mean REALLY stuck….
It’s natural to get stuck at times. It happens at home when tax day looms and we just can’t get ourselves to open up that file of receipts. It happens in relationships when we know we should say how we feel, but we just can’t seem to get that conversation started. It...
Help! My employee Doesn’t Get It!
Do you find yourself in circular conversations with your employees? And no matter how you try to clarify your communication, you keep finding yourself back in the circle? It usually starts with a simple request. You have an employee who is smart and capable. You...
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