If It’s Not A Hell Yes, It’s A Hell No!
You and I are old enough to know what we want and what we do not want. By now we also know who we are and who we are not. We definitely have a handle on what makes us happy and what gives us a knot in the stomach. And, we can identify the people we enjoy spending time...
50 Ways To Be A Mother….. (on Mother’s Day)
Whatever you do on Mother's Day, be sure you RELAX, PLAY, LIVE LARGE, GET IT DONE, GO WILD, GIVE BACK and ENJOY! Here are some ideas: RELAX… 1. Redeem all the handmade coupons you have received over the years from your children, for backrubs, foot massages and “doing...
When Being A “Fifties Mom” Means Being A Mom In Your 50’s!
Here we are. We are 50. And we find ourselves perfectly positioned to reinvent what it means to be a “Fifties Mom.” We are pretty unusual, after all. Many of us still have children in elementary school. Some of us, have children under 5! We car-pool, bake sale,...
Your Parents Are Coming! Your Parents Are Coming!
I couldn’t resist the headline, but be assured, I am not comparing a family visit to a British Invasion. However, if your family visits do make you take cover in the nearest bunker, keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming blog post: ”How Can I Miss You When You Won't...
You’ve Got Mail! (Too Much?)
What Is Your Email Inbox Saying About You? And How Can You Change The Conversation? Imagine you jump on your computer and open your email inbox. There you find 63 to 1,063 emails! About 45 (or 450?) are waiting to be read by you. Lurking in the background, another...
10 Ugliest Celebrity Feet (Here Comes The Judge)
This headline jumped out at me from the cover of a magazine yesterday: "10 Ugliest Celebrity Feet" As is my usual routine, I allow myself trashy literature when getting a pedicure. In my opinion, the decadence of paying someone to polish your nails is best...
Take A Leave of Presence Today
What if you had a chance to take a “leave of presence” this week? I can’t take credit for the idea. Roger Ebert shared his intention to “take a leave of presence,” a couple of weeks ago, when he was diagnosed with a re-occurrence of Cancer. He passed away just a...
What Are You Laughing At?
I’m serious about this. What do you laugh about? Who do you laugh with? What is truly funny to you? Maybe you had the good fortune to marry someone who makes you laugh? While I can list many reasons for marrying my Husband, the personality trait that really sealed the...
A Working Mother’s EASY Step By Step Guide to Stressful Living
As a working mom who has mastered the art of stressing herself out, I can tell you that there is an art to it. Staying relaxed and peaceful is much easier, but why do that? After all, stress will shorten your lifespan, cause grey hair and illness, and make Botox...
Use The Energy of YOUR Inspiration, To Get Things Done FAST!
Have you ever been inspired to make a new recipe? You look online or grab your favorite cookbook and feel a little excitement about trying something new for dinner. You take a quick inventory of the additional items you may need, jot them down and tuck them away to...
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