Every Once In Awhile, You May Just Need a Donut Hole, or Maybe 6
When is the last time you treated yourself to anything? Have you noticed that your children ask for treats throughout the day? Whether it’s chocolate pudding for breakfast, a sleepover on a school night or popcorn AND candy at the movies, they just keep asking. And...
You’re Bringing Sexy Back!
What do you think? Are you ready to add a little extra sexy to your day? Do you remember feeling sexy? Typically, working moms do go through a few years (or more?) of feeling like they don’t have the time, interest or ability to feel “sexy” anymore. That may be. But...
My Office in The Pre-School Parking Lot: The Secret Life of A Working Mom
I spoke with a colleague this morning. She mentioned that she was working from the Pre-School Parking Lot. I felt that I owed full disclosure at that point – and divulged that I was working from my car too. I had parked about half a block from my child’s school after...
What Is A Helicopter Mama To Do?
As mothers we receive plenty of input about what we should be doing, should have done, or should do NOW. Frankly, we should have known better, thought of that before AND been one step ahead. No wonder some of us fall into the dreaded trap of HELLi-parenting – sticking...
Little Miss Perfect Goes Off The Rails…
Do you enjoy drama? Are you someone who thrives on intrigue? Or, are you someone who holds it all together and responds calmly when all around you are falling apart? As a working mom, you certainly have your share of invitations to drama. There is always intrigue at...
Do You REALLY Want What You’re Looking For?
Let’s hope so, because YOUR mind is so powerful it could potentially cause you to miss a grown man dressed in a gorilla suit walking right through your vision of the future. Think I’m bananas? Read on. A number of years ago, two researches conducted a well known...
Are You (like) (um) (basically) Getting Your (you know) Point (um) (well, actually) Across?
I would appreciate a show of hands. How many of us wish our children did not use the word “like” with the kind of abandon that should be reserved for breathing in and out? And why are they still trotting out the same old filler word anyway? Perhaps the texting...
What Are You NOT Going To Do About It?
So often we ask ourselves; what are we going to do about this? There MUST be something to do. Something must be done! But how about all the stuff that you are NOT going to do? I’ll tell you something; I like a nice solid to-do list as much as the next gal, but I...
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!
I mean, let’s face it. Fun is where it’s at. All the education, mindfulness, worry, planning, hard work and strategizing – if it doesn’t equate to more fun, than what’s the point? What do I mean by fun, you might ask? Well, only you know for sure. But what do you...
7.5 Steps To Get The New Year Started, in February
Why not have a little fun next week? You've earned it, haven't you? I'm guessing 2013 started off with some excitement. Like a Wonder Woman in a traveling circus, you were outfitted and primed between Christmas and New Years, and then KABOOM - shot like a rocket into...
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